Hayatunnisa Hayatunnisa, Otang Kurniaman, Neni Hermita


This research was a descriptive quantitative research. The purpose of this research was to determine the diary writing skills of the fifth grade students of SDN 003 Pangkalan Kerinci. The data collection technique was a writing test. The validity of the research had been validated by expert. The samples in this study were 114 students consisting of 3 classes namely VA, VB, and VC students of SDN 003 Pangkalan Kerinci. The results showed that the average indicator of language use on the first day was 58.33 in moderate category, on the second day that was 58.55 in moderate category, on the third day it was 57.23 in moderate category, on the day fourth was 57.67 in moderate category, on the fifth day that was 58.11 in moderate category, on the sixth day was 57.89 in moderate category, and on the seventh day that was 60.96. The average of the systematic indicators of writing on the first day was 91.00 in a very good category, the second day was 90.57 in a very good category, on the third day was 90.78 in a very good category, on the fourth day was 91.00 in very good category, on the fifth day was 90.57 in a very good category, on the sixth day was 91.00 in a very good category, and on the seventh day was 91.89 in a very good category. The average indicator on the clarity of the first day was 76.31 in a good category, on the second day 75 with a good category, on the third day was 75 in a good category, on the fourth day was 74.12 in a good category, on the fifth day 73.06 in a good category, on the sixth day was 75.43 in a good category, and on the seventh day was 74.34 in a good category. This showed that the diary writing skills of students at SDN 003 Pangkalan Kerinci students were in good level.


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